Thursday, August 20, 2009

G's activities

10:00 I went to church to sign G up for confirmation, I am excited that she will be a part of this. I think that it will help her to keep her mind off of daddy being away, and she will be learn how the importance of keeping christ in her life as she starts middle school will be.

2:00 I have never been the kind of mom that has liked her girls to play sports, the closest thing to sports my oldest girls did was drill team. When G told us that she wanted to be in band in middle school I wasnt completely on board with it, but I was ok with it, well then she informed us that she wanted to play drums, and just as I thought she is the only girl, 7 boys and her. So I guess I have to get ready for band rehersels and concerts. Well today we got a post card in the mail for recreational girls 3rd through 8th grade volley ball, why did it surprise me when G said pleeease mom. (sports). Well I have been giving it some thought. I called the organization to get more informtion, no one answered, so I left my information so that someone could call me back. I guess I am ok with Volley ball. Now I have to I going to be able to juggle band, confirmation and volley ball.

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